MyEvent Streams Live with Magewell Ultra Encode
We're happy to share with you the application of Magewell's Ultra Encode in live streaming.
• The Customer: MyEvent Productions, Melbourne, Australia
• The Challenge: Streaming more than 20 simultaneous feeds for RMIT graduation ceremony
• The Solution: Magewell Ultra Encode
• Benefits: Flawless performance and reliability; flexibility for future projects
During the graduation event, multiple vision switchers combined live camera feeds and PowerPoint presentations from each stage. SDI outputs from each switcher were routed to the Ultra Encode devices, which encoded them into high-quality, live H.264 streams for viewing through RMIT's multiple YouTube channels.
MyEvent also used the newly-introduced Magewell Cloud management software to centrally monitor the status of the Ultra Encode units and easily access individual devices' web-based dashboards as needed.
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