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App and Firmware Update for Magewell Ultra Stream HDMI


 App and Firmware Update for Magewell Ultra Stream HDMI


App and firmware for Ultra Stream HDMI have been updated. They have mainly fixed two problems:

1) YouTube streaming problem

2) Wowza portal authentication problem

Detailed release notes can be found below for your reference. Note: both App and firmware shall be upgraded.

Magewell-Ultra-Stream-App-QR-Download  Use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to download Ultra Stream app.






Release note for Android app V1.1.4.7780

1. Add a "Streaming Server" configuration page. When the Ultra Stream device is streaming, users can view the streaming configuration but can’t edit or delete the parameters.
2. Add a function of user authentication for streaming server configuration.
3. Optimize the UI of the "USB Flash Drive" page and "Streaming Server" page on the 4-inch screen.
4. Add a prompt message for Facebook's streaming sever configuration when encoding parameters are set higher than "720p, 30 FPS, 4 Mbps".
5. Optimize the UI of the image/video preview area.
6. Fix problem: when the device's wired network IP conflicts with the wireless network IP, the device cannot be accessed after user unplugs the network cable.


Release note for iOS app V1.1.4.181127

1. Add a "Streaming Server" configuration page. When the Ultra Stream device is streaming, users can view the streaming configuration but can’t edit or delete the parameters.

2. Add a function of user authentication for streaming server configuration.

3. Optimize the UI of the "USB Flash Drive" page and "Streaming Server" page on the 4-inch screen.

4. Add a prompt message for Facebook's streaming sever configuration when encoding parameters are set higher than "720p, 30 FPS, 4 Mbps".

5. Optimize the UI of the image/video preview area.

6. Fix problem: when the device's wired network IP conflicts with the wireless network IP, the device cannot be accessed after user unplugs the network cable.


Release note for firmware V1.1.4061

1. Add a function of user authentication in the custom RTMP streaming mode.

2. Fix the YouTube streaming problem.

4. Fix some video encoding problems


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€435.00 *